Devotional Thoughts

     Thursday morning I had the unique opportunity to attend a pastor's breakfast with Dr. David Jeremiah. At the breakfast, Dr. Jeremiah shared some inspiring and encouraging words with us from Scripture. I would like to share some of those with you in hopes of encouraging you as you journey with Christ. These words come to us from Galatians 6:7-10. In this paragraph, we find several principles of the harvest.

     1. The principle of investment: you only reap if you sow. The work of believers should be sowing spiritual seeds of the gospel and seeds of kindness to the lost world. What we understand is that you will not reap a harvest if you do not sow any seeds. You should not expect a return on something you have never invested.

     2. The principle of identity: you only reap what you sow. We should never think that we can sow laziness and reap the benefits of a life spent in hard work. The good news about this principle though is that we can choose what to sow and by that we determine what we will reap.

     3. The principle of increase: you always reap more than you sow. It would be pointless if the farmer planted one tomato seed and only harvest one tomato seed for use the next year. That is not the case in agriculture and it is not the case in spiritual life either. You will benefit with a greater harvest than what you started with.

     4. The principle of interval: you always reap after you sow. The farmer has to wait on his crop to grow and mature before he sees the benefits. You may being sowing a lot of very good things right now, like discipline, integrity, faithfulness; and, you may not be reaping the reward yet. Hang on… the reward is coming because there is always an amount of time between the sowing and the reaping.

     There is also a principle of priority taught here. This principle tells us to spend our time sowing in the areas where we are reaping. If the farmer has a spot where he always sows but never sees anything come up, he should stop wasting his time, energy, and seeds there. He needs to move on to the soil that is producing the crops. I would like to challenge you to think about your own life. Where are you seeing a return? Where are you reaping? What areas of your life are producing a harvest? Sow your seeds in those areas and watch God work.

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