When it comes to this idea of 'Spiritual Community,' there are several key elements needed in order to pull it off. First, there must be honesty. If we as believers are not honest with other believers (especially those we are close to) then we will never achieve a level of intimacy with one another that can be described as 'Spiritual Community.' Being genuine, real, not fake is desperately needed if we are going to help one another draw closer to Christ. That is the goal of 'Spiritual Community'--movement toward Christ. Spending time together is also a necessity if we are going to move each other close to Christ, but we can spend all the time in the world together and still not push each other toward Christ. Why? Because of a lack of honesty and willingness to go deep with one another. Honesty is the key; but there is one more very important element. So important, in fact, that honesty will almost never be reality if this element is missing. What do you think that is? What needs to be part of a 'Spiritual Community' in order for there to be honesty? Tell what you think. I will post my thoughts next week, but for now I would like to know what you think.
In the spirit of community, I would like to post this video by a couple guys named Johnny and Chachi. Their insight into the key ingredients of community is outstanding. Find the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87vWRRqtx5E
I think trust is the one very important element that must be there before honesty can truly become a reality. If you do not fully trust the people that you are with (and fully have their trust as well), you cannot expect for there to be a level of comfort with each other enough to be honest and able to have deep meaningful spiritual conversations.