The first principle is simple: keep one calendar. If you have things written down in different places, then you have too much to try and keep up with, so only keep one calendar. Your calendar may be a smartphone, ipad, laptop, or notebook; either way is fine, just use what works best for you. If your phone and computer sync with each other that is great, and using both is essentially the same as using just one because they keep each other current with the newest data. If they don’t sync, use only one of them. If you are writing things down on paper in a notebook, just keep one notebook. This principle will help you know what you need to be doing at any given point in your day.
The second principle is: determine your values. Ask yourself at the beginning of each week, “what is the most important things for me to do this week?” This will help you to do more than accomplish a to-do list full of unimportant items. You want to make sure that the time you are managing is spent on the most important items. Make sure you put these on your calendar first to ensure that they will get done. Nothing is worse than spending your time on the things that don’t really matter.
-Pastor Matt
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