Thursday, January 23, 2014

Shaking Salt & Shining Light (Part 2)

     Next Sunday night I will be starting a new series on personal evangelism titled Shaking Salt & Shining Light. As I prepare for this today’s article will continue on the theme of evangelism. Rebecca Pippert’s definition of evangelism is probably the most clear, to-the-point definition I’ve heard recently. She said, “evangelism in it’s simplest form is introducing our friends to Jesus.” That really does sum it up in a nutshell. For most reading this today you probably knew it was every Christians responsibility to tell others about Christ even before you trusted in Him yourself. Many sermons have included points to remind believers of their calling to share Christ with those around them. “It is a command of Scripture,” is something you’ve probably heard over and over again. But where in Scripture is this found? How do we know Jesus commands all Christians to evangelize? Could it not be that some have the gift of evangelism and others do not, allowing them to opt out if they desire?
     Here is the biblical teaching and command for all Christians to evangelize. Matthew 28:18-20 reveals the words of Christ to his disciples just before He ascended back into heaven. Jesus said, “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Jesus commanded His followers to go into the world and make more followers of Him. This is a clear command to evangelize—introduce others to Jesus. Some have argued this was only given to the disciples. However, this is a crazy assertion to make for if it is true then the promise that Jesus will be with us to the end of the age also only applies to the disciples. And no one makes that claim. Even further, Jesus commanded the disciples to then teach others to observe all that He had previously commanded them. D. A. Carson notes that Jesus did not say, “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, except for this commandment to make disciples. Keep their grubby hands off that one, since it  belongs only to you, my dear apostles.”
     In Mark 16:15, Jesus was also recorded as saying to His followers, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” It doesn’t get much plainer than that. Then, in the book of Acts, we see ordinary believers going out and proclaiming the gospel to the world. Acts 8:4 says, “Now those who were scattered went about preaching (euangelizomenoi—sharing or proclaiming) the Word.” We are to follow the example of the early church.
     Telling others the good news about Jesus Christ, and how His death, burial, and resurrection provide the opportunity for eternal life is commanded by God to every believer. We must be highly intentional about this high calling in order to avoid living a life in disobedience to our Creator-God and Sovereign Lord.
            -Pastor Matt

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